Livelihood enhancement & Skill Development

The organization is working to enhance livelihoods in rural areas by providing training on agricultural practices, animal husbandry, and other livelihood options. This includes technical capacity-building, hands-on support, and insights into market systems. Through livelihood promotion and skill development, the organization aims to increase income from local employment along with this we also connect youth with new job opportunities in organized sectors.

Under livelihood promotion and skill development, the organization is undertaking the following activities:

  • Agriculture-Based Livelihood Promotion: The organization works through farmer field schools to provide new agricultural techniques and regular guidance to farmers. This includes information on soil management, seed treatment, pest and weed control, crop production stages, and market systems. To demonstrate the impact of these techniques, a comparison is set up between two fields—one using traditional methods and the other modern techniques—to clearly show the difference to the farmers.

Goat Rearing-Based Livelihood Promotion: Given the arid terrain and water scarcity in much of Rajasthan, goat rearing has become an effective livelihood option. Many farmers are adopting goat rearing as a primary income source by following commercial practices. The organization focuses on four aspects of goat rearing:

  1. Primary Veterinary Care: Local women, with basic education, are trained to provide primary medical care, regular vaccinations, and deworming, establishing them as paravets to reduce goat mortality in the area.
  2. Management of Goat Rearing: This includes training on pen management, feeding, and seasonal care practices, which help increase the productivity of the goats.
  3. Breed Improvement: Awareness of the benefits of advanced breeds is raised, and efforts are made to ensure availability of quality breeds locally.
  4. Market Awareness: Farmers receive training on market-related aspects such as penning, lamb nurseries, and key markets like the Eid market to increase profits. These four dimensions enable farmers to establish goat rearing as a primary source of livelihood.
  • Effective MGNREGA Implementation: Rural areas have access to 100 days of employment through MGNREGA, but due to lack of awareness, residents often miss out on work or fair wages. The organization raises awareness about effective MGNREGA implementation and collaborates with local panchayats and administration to ensure efficient operations.
  • Youth Skill Development Program: The organization implements a model to divert youth from hazardous jobs and connect them to safe employment opportunities through the following approaches:
  • Industry Mentor Model (UDDUG MITRA): Through this model, youth interested in starting their own businesses are paired with “Industry Mentors” in relevant trades. Based on the interests of the youth, the organization identifies local industry mentors who can guide them in their desired field. These mentors, compensated by the organization, help the youth gain comprehensive understanding and skills for the business. Regular monitoring is conducted, and support is provided for obtaining bank loans and setting up their businesses.
  • On-the-Job Training: For youth already engaged in certain occupations but lacking formal training to enhance their skills, the organization arranges on-the-job training. This enables them to upgrade their skills within their current field, leading to increased income and career growth.
  • Skill Training: To connect youth to formal employment sectors, the organization conducts skill development training tailored to the interests and employment potential of each individual. Training areas are determined based on youth interests, job opportunities, and family conditions. Post-training, the organization provides placement assistance and one year of follow-up support to ensure sustained employment and growth.